
In the Beginning Up until May of 2021, Amplience had been contracting out to 3 different 3rd parties to handle their creative work. The state of the brand was a bit half-baked, where in 2020, they had started a rebranding effort but were cut short by Covid. They made it to an updated logo, colors, […]


Website Redesign Website Redesign Email Templates Email Templates Print Collateral Print Collateral Hiring Initiative Hiring Initiative ePublications ePublications Brand Guidelines Guidelines Presentation Templates Presentation Templates

Strike Hunger

Research and Proposal The Issue With the Covid-19 pandemic in full-swing with no signs of slowing down in our country, struggling families across the United States (and dare say the world) are in a conundrum that is essentially a looping argument of dependencies that involves employment/unemployment, childcare, education, safety, hunger, and sustainability. The very necessary […]

Strike Hunger

Marketing Materials Marketing Materials User Experience User Experience Personas Personas User Flows User Flows Information Architecture Information Architecture Wireframe Prototypes Wireframes Mockups Mockups Hifi Prototypes Hifi Prototypes 01 07

Windsor Circle

In my time at Windsor Circle, I was a part of the Agency Services Enterprise Team, making predictive eCommerce deliverables for our upmarket client base of some very well-known brands (Lenovo, Levi’s, Avon, L’Oreal, Burt’s Bees, Black Rifle Coffee Company).

We created a potent mix of contextual marketing communications for these clients via dynamic predictive and retentive marketing strategies. Using data science to drive a series of personalized experiences, these communications incorporated variables such as purchase patterns, propensities to buy, replenishment timing, and in some cases, geo-location and weather to serve up personalized content, making product recommendations that to the tastes and needs of the customer.

The result was a mix of targeted deliverables: landing pages, email templates, and social posts. It was particularly important to make sure that what we were making was absolutely on-brand for each client, so it presented some fun opportunities to dive deep into these and many more brands that we partnered with.

New York Dress

In my time as Art Director at Windsor Circle, New York Dress came to us for predictive and retention marketing help. At that time there were some changes in their organization that left a void with support for their regular marketing campaigns. We listened to what their needs were and seized upon the opportunity to step in and help. We analyzed data, pointing us to the best times for deploying marketing events. What resulted was a solid campaign event calendar for the next calendar year for their international markets.

Once we had this nailed down, I rolled up my sleves and conceptualized 18 unique campaign series, and then designed the look and feel of each event, which were then translated into responsive web experiences with supporting social media assets.

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