

Brand Redesign, Web Design

Amplience’s visual brand identity challenges the status quo for its specific vertical, disrupting the safe zone where most of the competition resides in. It is bold, distinct, and takes risks to stand out and get noticed. The messaging formerly spoke “at” the customer, with the “what” robotically exclaiming feature after feature, we began to start with “why” putting the customer story at the center to speak experientially, naturally, and conversationally.
Creative Director
Concept Development, Design Direction, Graphic Design

In the Beginning

Up until May of 2021, Amplience had been contracting out to 3 different 3rd parties to handle their creative work. The state of the brand was a bit half-baked, where in 2020, they had started a rebranding effort but were cut short by Covid. They made it to an updated logo, colors, typography, and some basic lockups and layouts, but not much past this point. 

With the 2020 rebranding effort not fully realized, things were in a bit of an incomplete and stale state for the brand by 2021. This, however, made for a fun and challenging opportunity for me when I was hired on as Creative Director in May of 2021.

The first order of business was to survey, digest, and assess all of the media going out across touchpoints and prepare to bring all of the 3rd party efforts in-house.

Soon after I was hired, Steve Uren was formally brought on as Chief Experience Officer (CXO), providing executive creative direction. Another creative director, the very talented Nick Booth, was also brought on, and we had a solid senior creative core to take the Amplience brand to the next level. Nick and I started interviewing and building a formal creative team consisting of a senior designer, a visual designer, two digital designers, a head of copy, a copywriter, a motion/video designer, and a project manager.

With a team in hand, Nick and I began to significantly develop and advance the brand to revitalize the end-to-end visual design of all Amplience media and enable our designers with a solid toolkit to work from.

Expanding the Brand Design System

Leveraging Figma, we began building a design environment using atomic libraries to not only create a modular UI framework for addressing the web design aspect of Amplience but also as a tool for brand design elements, creating a collaborative environment and libraries to efficiently create within and build forward.

This set up a scaleable system for success and team growth – as we were flying the plane, we could build it simultaneously, growing the system as a toolkit full of new brand elements and ideas. This system also provided a single source of truth in terms of standardization and consistency in an efficiently deployable and exportable system that extends out to all digital and offline marketing design for Amplience designers.


With our head of copy Jack Simpson at the copy front, a tone-of-voice framework came to be for the brand, giving much-needed guidance to who and how we were speaking as a brand. Instead of speaking “at” people with the “what” exclaiming feature after feature, we began to start with “why” putting the customer story at the center to speak experientially, naturally, and conversationally.

One More Time With Feeling…

Too many B2B brands let their B2B label define them. Their tone of voice is too formal. Self-serving. Full of words but empty of soul. Stuffed full of jargon and clichéd phrases trying to pass as original thought.

Our audience aren’t businesses. They’re human beings working for businesses. They need to make rational decisions, yes, but never without a touch of gut instinct (even if they won’t admit it). And our tone of voice reflects that.

We keep things grown up and professional, of course, like anyone should in business. But we write the way we talk. And we’re not afraid to raise a smile or even a couple of eyebrows while we’re at it.

Loosen Up

Let your personality shine and never shy away from (tasteful) humour. Relax, there are no set rules for B2B writing (there’s no such thing as ‘B2B writing’). Our audience often have stressful jobs – let’s give them a little bit of joy in their day.

Be a Good Therapist

Talk to and about our audience and their problems more than ourselves. Nobody cares about how great we think we are. They care about their job and all the things that keep them awake at night.

Say It Like You Mean It

Always write with passion and optimism, no matter how dry the subject matter feels to you in that moment. If it’s boring you, it’s boring the reader. Everything we write should inspire an action, shape an opinion or both.

Talk Normal

Explain things simply using everyday language and avoid clichés or industry jargon. Imagine your reader has zero knowledge of this thing you’re writing about – are they frowning in confusion or nodding in understanding?

Bringing it All Together

Armed with an advanced and elevated brand design and brand element design system, we applied the system across all digital and offline touchpoints, redefining the look and feel of media with a unique, distinct, and vibrant energy across all communication.





Case Studies



Developer Experience

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Video and Motion Graphics

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